
Authorities Hog-tied Youths in Queensland Detention Centres, Report Reveals

A 17-year-old boy is placed in handcuffs and ankle cuffs at a youth detention centre in Townsville.

Story by ABC News.

Read ABC News’ full story here

SEVERAL CASES of hog-tying have been reported being used in Queensland youth detention centres, new documents released on Wednesday have revealed.

The re-released report into youth detention management in Queensland has recommended the use of hog-tying youths be abandoned.

A heavily redacted version of the Independent Review of Youth Detention was first released in April, but almost one-third of it was redacted for legal reasons.

Some of the redacted information was revealed on Wednesday after public pressure on Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath to release more details.

Documents disclosed on Wednesday show several cases of hog-ying were reported in the state’s detention centres.

One of the cases involved a youth who was tied by the legs and arms for about 20 minutes so he could be sedated.

But the report found that while hog-tying was not taught to staff in training, there was no policy or legislation to prohibit it.

Read ABC News’ full story here

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