Bike Adventure Company Under Fire for “Rip-off” Refund Policy

GOLD COAST motorcycle enthusiast Anthony Butler has lashed out at the refund policies of Maschine Pty Ltd, a Victoria-based motorcycle adventure ride company.

Mr Butler is unhappy with the size of the refund he received for not being able to attend a recent six-day event held by Maschine.

“I consider it to be a rip-off,” he has claimed.

He said he didn’t expect a 100% refund as he understands there are administration costs etc.

But an angry Mr Butler disputes the company needed to withhold 60% of the $1695 fee he paid.

Mr Butler claims that his $678 refund should have been much greater because all accommodation was shared anyway, so having him not there wouldn’t have affected the accommodation costs.

He also states the people he spoke with at Maschine weren’t open to any discussion.

“There is no way my cancellation would have left them out of pocket to the tune of more than $1000,” he said.

“I had no choice but to cancel, since the Queensland Government instructed that no one should use roads affected by the Cyclone Debbie event.”

In other words, Mr Butler feels his cancellation was not of his own volition, so he shouldn’t have forfeited so much of his fee.

Maschine was given the opportunity to respond to Mr Butler’s allegations but had not responded at time of writing.

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