Hodges Calls for Queensland Origin Coach Kevin Walters to Axe 4 Veterans

Photo: Fox Sports.

Story by Fox Sports.

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QUEENSLAND great Justin Hodges has called on Kevin Walters to make mass changes and bring Gavin Cooper, Jarrod Wallace, Coen Hess and Korbin Sims into his Origin team for game two.

In a column for NRL.com, Hodges insisted there were “a number of players who must now make way for the next generation of the Maroons”.

Hodges wrote that the time has come for Aidan Guerra and Jacob Lillyman to make way for the next generation.

Nate Myles too.

While he was reluctant to do so, Hodges admitted Myles’ “body is holding him back now” and noted that Sam Thaiday will be lucky to survive the cut.

Thaiday is a veteran of the pack and survived Hodges’ hypothetical cull for game two but believes his former teammate is on notice.

“In Origin you really need to roll your sleeves up and get the job done. He’s one bloke you’d love to see get aggressive but for some reason he seems to have lost that aggression,” Hodges wrote.

Another of the changes Hodges has urged Walters to make is shifting Darius Boyd to the wing to bring in Billy Slater.

Read the Fox Sports’ full story here

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